Maidens Quarters

The Joys of being an Entrepreneur family…… October 6, 2011

Filed under: Family,Helping Hands,Living Simply — Miss Amanda @ 5:51 pm

 For many years Daddy has been an Entrepreneur. He has always been a wonderful business man, hardworking, honest, straight forward, having a good work ethic and integrity. Because he works from home he has been able to incorporate the entire family in the business whether it be with billing, advertising or extra workers to help him clean pools.

He is teaching his sons to be hard workers and providers by taking them with him to work alongside him, and Robert practically knows everything that goes into cleaning the pools and handling the equipment!

Because Daddy has been in so many avenues of business, we girls have very rounded work experiences since we were his primary work crew before the boys came along. We’ve folded, sticker-ed and stamped mailing envelopes, delivered door hangers door to door, set up workshops, loaded trailers for the dump, landscaped and ever since coming to Texas, cleaned pools!

A benefit about having a big family when you run your own business is that people take you seriously and customers are better at ease when they realize our business is a family effort. (Or so customers have told us!) So many people today are worried that if you choose not to send your sons or daughters to college, they will end up becoming a burden on society, with out the skills needed to hold down a job or better yet, run their own.

This is not the case.

Not if parents take the time to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and train their sons to be providers and hard workers, creative and trust worthy, and their daughters, versatile keepers of the home able to tackle the laundry, cook hearty, healthy meals for their family and change diapers, or push a lawn mower (in a skirt of course!)

Katelynn, Robert and Ryan busy in the assembly line and Rowen, well.......

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


Don’t Forget to Write….. October 5, 2011

Filed under: Living Simply,Sisters — Miss Amanda @ 8:58 pm


Elizabeth’s sewing ventures…… September 30, 2011

Filed under: Baby Blessings,Home,Living Simply,Sisters — Miss Amanda @ 10:42 pm

A beautiful baby quilt Elizabeth made for little Corri.

Very beautiful

Obey the sign!

An accomplished seamstress......


You can’t get any more old fashioned than bath time…….. September 29, 2011

Filed under: Brothers,Living Simply — Miss Amanda @ 7:24 pm

I love old fashioned things which would probably explain my love for black and white photos.....

I think colored pictures are great, but I also appreciate the softness that old pictures have, because sometimes color is just too loud......

In a modern world, sometimes its hard to be old fashioned......being modern is sensible, easy, efficient, convenient......

and better, sometimes. Anyhow, I've come to learn that the there is one place where things probably haven't changed much in the past 200 years.....

and that's the bath tub and bath time. Sure they didn't have running water and they probably bathed their little ones in big buckets and not big white stationary tubs..........

but we've done that too.


The Lighthouse……. September 28, 2011

Filed under: Beauty,Living Simply — Miss Amanda @ 8:38 pm


This little school house…… September 19, 2011

Filed under: Brothers,Homeschooling,Living Simply,Sisters — Miss Amanda @ 7:38 pm

Earlier this year I was offered a job by a man I admire very much. It is a rather prestigious job. It requires responsibility, perseverance and patience. When I was little I often dreamed of working at a job like this and practiced at it with my sisters and friends so that I could be ready when it came time to fill out the application and now……..I’m finally hired! 

Now that I have ya’all at the edge of your seats, I might as well just tell you what I’m working as, for those of you who don’t like suspense. 😉

I am now responsible for the education of two very intelligent future scholars…. (a.k.a “my brothers.”)

At least two of them......

Reading, writing, spelling, math, history-the whole deal......

I love to see them hard at work......

being perfect A+ students.......

most of the time!

"What? I can't believe you can't remember how to spell this after we just spend 5 minutes on it!" (Note: I haven't said that....yet.)

It's a very rewarding way to start off my future career......


As a “stay at-home-mom” 🙂


The Bench…. September 9, 2011

Filed under: Beauty,Living Simply — Miss Amanda @ 5:40 pm


Time to plow…. September 8, 2011

Filed under: 2011,Living Simply — Miss Elizabeth @ 9:19 pm

Earlier I was washing dishes when a cloud of dust came threw the window. I started coughing and waving my hand in front of my face to get the dust away but it only seemed to worsen so I moved away from the window! I looked out our dinning room window to discover that there was a tractor plowing the field across from us and the wind so happened to be blowing in our direction. “CLOSE THE WINDOWS!!!” I heard mommy yell from the other room, so I ran back to the kitchen window and closed it. phew 🙂 But the tractor still sounded way to loud so I walked back to the dinning room to discover that that window was open and another cloud of dust was coming! “Oh No!!!” I said before racing to the window trying to close the window before the cloud of dust came in, (Amanda had just got down wiping down the table and she would not be to happy if she found the table all covered with sand after she swept and wiped down 😉  then i went back into the kitchen grabbed my camera and headed for the window.

Hope you Enjoy! 🙂

Look at all that dust!!!!!

You can barely see the tractor.

'Whatever one sows, that he will also reap.' Galatians 6: 7


When there is no a/c the people do not perish, we camp out……… August 30, 2011

Filed under: Home,Living Simply,Sisters — Miss Amanda @ 9:19 pm

At about 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon, that blessed thing we call air conditioning suddenly died. It simply shut off and would not come back on, but that’s why we have guys that we call air condition repairmen. They don’t come to fix your cooling system on Sundays however (good for them) so you have to wait until 3 o’clock on Monday, which means you have a whole night and a day to survive without it. So what do you do when your upstairs room is 90 degrees and you know you’ll probably die by melting if you even try sleeping up there? You have a camp out with all of your sisters downstairs on the living room couch where it’s at least a bearable temperature, and fall asleep thinking ‘Wow, those early settlers must have been tougher than nails!’  Welcome to Texas.


Our sleeping set up.......

Letter writing before bed.....



No shoes necessary…… August 24, 2011

Filed under: Home,Living Simply — Miss Amanda @ 6:19 pm