Maidens Quarters

The brokenhearted…… October 22, 2011

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Devotions — Miss Amanda @ 11:02 pm

He heals the brokenhearted……

Psalm 147:3


Vanity of vanities October 21, 2011

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Devotions,Family,Parents — Miss Katelynn @ 7:37 pm

Have you ever felt like you wanted what that other person had or wanted to look just as pretty? How about you don’t feel like you are wanting or trying something but when you go to Ecclesiastes you find just how guilty you really are. I was flipping through the Bible a couple of nights ago and this is where my Bible fell open to is Ecclesiastes 1 and as I read it I felt guilty beyond belief! After getting to the end of the first chapter I was thinking “Had I been thinking of vain things lately? Have I tried to do something that some one else was?” I may not have been thinking of those things but we (people) live in this, in our every day lives and don’t think twice about it until God pricks our hearts to show us just how much we are doing things in vain. The earth is the same as it has been from the beginning, nothing is new.

“The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it arose. The wind goes towards the south, and turns around to the north; the wind whirls around continually, and comes again on its circuit. All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; to the place which the rivers come,there they return again. All things are full of labor; man cannot express it.” Ecclesiastes 1:5-8

People are so caught up in their own ways and doing’s that we forget who God is, we have followed the world in ways people don’t know. We have let the world into our church’s and take our children away, the world has taken the upper hand on those who are willing to follow, people have gotten caught up in vain things and are so blinded by it that they lose God, their family, and the role that their Heavenly Father has given for men and women.

“The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.” Ecclesiastes 1:8.

We have had vanity of life, and vanity of pleasure, for we have forgotten the God-given task and will we be able to clear our minds to go back to Him? I’m not saying that every signal person has forgotten the God-given task but most of the world has. Does it not seem that injustice seems to prevail? We have had so many hiccups in the road from Adam and Eve to 2011 and beyond until the Lord comes back, we have seen a lot of things and may be more than others but people’s brains are not opening up to live out side of their computers, T.V.’s video games, sports, etc; etc…..We are not prepared for anything and it is all because we turned from God and looked to the world who turned our eyes towards vain things and we now live in a world full of vanity. We need to seek God in an early life. We need to strengthen our families, as well as our selves, throw the world out of the church’s that have been destroyed, take our children back from school, day care, the government, etc.

And your probably wondering “why?” Because it is all vanity of vanities, that draw us away from everything. Men need to find their role in life, take it and drive it on with the help of Jesus Christ. Women need to get out of the military, get home and do their role in life, take it and drive it with full force with God’s help. Men need to stop looking to the women for protection, income, and everything else that women have taken charge of and men slacken the lines, sit back and wait for the check to come in while he raises the children. These children of now days have been brought up the same as their parents taught them and their parents before them and so on, then off to school and they to do their own things to leave their parents to waste away in a nursing home. Women need to be were the men are at home and the men need to tighten the reins and tell women were they are to be and take back the whole duty of man that God has given them! Most women and men would never agree with this and those who do; I got it all from the book of Ecclesiastes and what I have heard my beloved Daddy and heavenly Father taught me.

“Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing whether good or evil.”


You saved me…….. October 19, 2011

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Poems — Miss Elizabeth @ 8:13 pm

I was in a prison,

too miserable to bear,

but You called me out,

when I didn’t even know I was there,

You brought me through the fire,

to test my merit and my worth.

I am now a heap of ashes,

ready for Your work.

It is the lowly you will make great,

the lofty You’ll cast down,

not a thousand oceans deep

can quench the joy I’ve found.

You are the anchor that sustains me,

You are the promise to which I cling.

It is only when I dwell on You,

That I find the peace Your presence brings.


Like Wind…..

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Devotions — Miss Amanda @ 6:25 pm

The wind was howling outside the closed window. 

“That’s the wind,” Ryan said.

“No,” said Rowen. “That’s God.”


The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it,

but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes.

So is every one who is born of the Spirit.

John 3:8


How long will it stand? October 8, 2011

Filed under: A matter of the heart — Miss Amanda @ 9:12 pm

 Show me your men, and I will tell you what kind of nation you will build.

Show me your woman, and I will tell you how long it will stand.


Be still….. September 28, 2011

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Devotions — Miss Amanda @ 1:06 am


Be still, and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10


A glad heart September 22, 2011

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Brothers,Devotions — Miss Amanda @ 7:58 pm

Best Quality


Make me hear joy and gladness…….

Psalms 51:8


A bold heart…..

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Brothers,Devotions — Miss Amanda @ 7:46 pm

Best Quality:


……..That we may be bold in the day of judgement; because as He, so are we in this world.

1 John 4: 17



A quite heart

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Brothers,Devotions — Miss Amanda @ 7:29 pm

 Best Quality:


“……In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”

Isaiah 30:15



A steadfast heart September 21, 2011

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Brothers,Devotions — Miss Amanda @ 8:52 pm

 Best Quality:


And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

James 1:4