Maidens Quarters

Time to plow…. September 8, 2011

Filed under: 2011,Living Simply — Miss Elizabeth @ 9:19 pm

Earlier I was washing dishes when a cloud of dust came threw the window. I started coughing and waving my hand in front of my face to get the dust away but it only seemed to worsen so I moved away from the window! I looked out our dinning room window to discover that there was a tractor plowing the field across from us and the wind so happened to be blowing in our direction. “CLOSE THE WINDOWS!!!” I heard mommy yell from the other room, so I ran back to the kitchen window and closed it. phew 🙂 But the tractor still sounded way to loud so I walked back to the dinning room to discover that that window was open and another cloud of dust was coming! “Oh No!!!” I said before racing to the window trying to close the window before the cloud of dust came in, (Amanda had just got down wiping down the table and she would not be to happy if she found the table all covered with sand after she swept and wiped down 😉  then i went back into the kitchen grabbed my camera and headed for the window.

Hope you Enjoy! 🙂

Look at all that dust!!!!!

You can barely see the tractor.

'Whatever one sows, that he will also reap.' Galatians 6: 7