Maidens Quarters

~~Mothers the world needs today~~ September 30, 2010

Filed under: Mothers — Miss Katelynn @ 7:37 pm

“Mothers with courage; mothers who pray,

These are the kind the world needs today.

Mothers who think, who study and plan;

Mothers who laugh as much as they can,

Having the gift that is better than money—-

The habit of seeing that some things are funny.

Mothers whose faith never wavers or falters;

Mothers whose spirits the world never alters;

Loving the right and scorning the wrong;

Facing the problems of life with a song.

Mothers bravery transcends their fears;

Winning the battle with patience and tears;

Never submitting to weakness or sin—

Storming heaven’s gates till the children are in.

Mothers heroic, not guilty of whining;

Hands graced with service and faces with shinning.

Mothers of purity, virtue and faith,

Steadfast in life and triumphant in death;

Looking beyond the dark pathway of sorrow,

Seeking a home in God’s joyous tomorrow,

Leading the children; pointing the way—

These are the mothers the world needs today!”

Proverbs 31:26 - 29 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."

Mothers the world needs today!


Signs of autumn…… September 28, 2010

Filed under: Family,Living Simply — Miss Amanda @ 9:00 pm

Best friends......

We were all outside last Sunday afternoon enjoying some of the cooler weather we have been blessed with, which Texas has not seen in quite a while, playing ball, riding bikes (not to mention airing up the tires of the bikes, before they were fit for riding!) and all together having a truly wonderful time!

Sisters and Sunflowers.......

A stop at the bicycle shop.............

A few jars of my canned plums and Mommy's Italian pizza sauce.........

I can almost taste it all now!


True Loveliness September 25, 2010

Filed under: Motherhood,Poems — Miss Katelynn @ 4:45 pm

My mother’s face is wrinkled now,

And not so soft and fair,

And silvery threads are shinning where

There once was jet black hair;

But when I see the love light shine

From her dimming eyes,

It seems but a reflection from

The gates of paradise.

Her hands, once soft and lovely,

Are thin and aged now;

But oh, how many, many times

They’ve soothed some aching brow.

They might not seem so lovely if

Their shape alone you see,

But oh, I know their deeds of love —-

They’re beautiful to me.

Her steps are feeble, faltering,

That once were firm and light.

How many steps her feet have made

By day as well as night!

She may seem old to others —- not

So beautiful to see;

But she’ll always be the loveliest

Of all on earth to me.



Ashes September 22, 2010

Filed under: A matter of the heart,Devotions,Poems — Miss Amanda @ 7:08 pm

What I thought was right was wrong,

What I thought was wrong is true,

Every thing has left me standing

And I don’t know what to do.

Every thing has slipped right through me fingers,

And I don’t know where to turn.

All I can do is sit and watch

As every thing I’ve ever done burns.

Even when I didn’t know that You were there,

You were right there at my side,

And it is to Your loving, outstretched arms

I once more run to hide.

All I can see is a heap of ashes,

But I know You see much more.

You see beauty, a blooming garden

Where there wasn’t one before.

Begin Your work with me, I plead,

Start with my darkened heart.

It needs repair, It needs Your care.

Ashes are where You start.

I was in a prison,

Too miserable to bare,

But until You called me out

I didn’t even know I was there.

You’ve led me through the fire

to test my merit and my worth,

And now I stand a heap of ashes,

Ready for Your work.

It is the lowly You will make great,

And the lofty You’ll cast down.

Not even a thousand oceans deep,

Can quench the joy I’ve found.

You are the Anchor that sustains me,

You are the Promise to which I cling,

And it is only when I think of You,

I find the peace Your presence brings.

Begin Your work with me, I plead,

Start with my darkened heart.

It needs repair, It needs Your care.

Ashes are where you start.

Inspired by the book of Isaiah 61:1-3


This is an OUTRAGE!….. September 21, 2010

Filed under: A note to you......,breaking news!!,school — Mrs. Gina @ 2:06 pm

Early this week I came across a new “BLOG” a beautiful “BLOG”, and as I scrolled down to read some of the like-minded articles I came across a video that is: STARTLING!

Take a look at the video and then ask yourself…..WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE WE DOING TO OUR CHILDREN! Our public school systems have failed us for years and once again we have our children on the alter- When are we going to WAKE-UP…..

Click on the link below to watch this horrifying video….


One more pet…….. September 20, 2010

Filed under: Pets — Miss Katelynn @ 6:29 pm

Last week while at work with Daddy Robert Jr. rescued this little turtle out of  a skimmer basket. He was thrilled to show everyone what he had found when he had got home, bursting through the door with our newest pet, “Dutches” (another red – eared slider turtle!) Now we have two turtles in the house,we’re not sure of the age of either of them but, by the looks of Dutches she is newly hatched…. she is no bigger than a silver dollar! It’ll be some time before we will know the gender until “she” (for right now) is about the size of Puddle Keeper.

I took some photo’s of Dutches after a few hours of being home.

Hope you enjoy! 🙂

Here she is, she is very small....

Sunning on her rock which was taken from Puddle Keepers cage...

We have had Puddle Keeper since May and she has grown since then. But she is big compared to Dutches.

We plan to put Dutches and Puddle Keeper together once Dutches is old enough, but Puddle Keeper has not been with another turtle for quite some time. We’re going to see how it go’s, but until then they remain in two separate tanks.


Thank you…….. September 17, 2010

Filed under: Church,Family,Friends,Hospitality — Miss Amanda @ 10:25 pm

Soon after the home going of our last baby, we began receiving wonderful encouragement from dear friends whom have truly blessed us with prayers, uplifting notes and scripture quotations via this blog, by letters, cards and personal visits.

To the Hulslander, the Jones, the Gunther, and the Smith families: Thank you for your understanding, your encouragement and your prayers. Your love and hospitality means more to us than you would ever know. It is such a blessing to have fellow believers like you to lean upon during difficult struggles like ours, and we pray that we might one day be able to provide the same for you.

A true blessing

A yummy muffin treat sent from the Hulslander family didn’t last long with our clan, Thank you once again…..


“Are all the children in?”

Filed under: Poems — Miss Katelynn @ 4:22 pm

The darkness falls, the wind is high,

Dense black clouds fill the western sky;

The storm will soon begin.

The thunders roar, the lightnings flash,

I hear the great round rain drops – dash —

Are all the children in?

They’re coming softly to my side;

Their forms within my arms I hide —-

No other arms as sure.

The storm may rage with fury wild,

With trusting faith each little child

With mother feels secure.

But future days are drawing near —-

They’ll go from this warm shelter here,

Out in the world’s wild din.

The rain will fall, the cold winds blow;

I’ll sit alone and long to know,

Are all the children in?

Written by: Mrs. S. T. Perry

Mommy’s favorite poem


…….On stringed instruments. Isaiah 38:20 September 16, 2010

Filed under: Music — Miss Amanda @ 8:01 pm

We are not musically talented as of yet, but our family loves music as a whole. Anywhere from classical instrumental to acoustic country or singing a copella, our home is filled daily with sounds of music. Daddy owns a beautiful guitar, which Katelynn drug out last night and began to get familiar with. Daddy does not often get a chance to play it, but Katelynn has always been interested in the guitar, and Elizabeth has a great liking for the violin. We had fun playing a few different chords and making up silly tunes………

Hope you enjoy!





Rain, rain and more rain!!!! September 14, 2010

Filed under: nature,Storms — Miss Katelynn @ 2:02 am

Last week it rained really hard here in Texas for about three to four days. We got all the after math of rain and wind from hurricane Hermine, down south is where all the action really happened.Thankfully, it wasn’t local weather because  I don’t like natural disasters like Amanda (storm chaser sister).

We children got adventurous and trekked outside for some time to play in the rain storm. The streets were flooded, the corn field across the street was a river and it wasn’t letting up.

Here are some photos that were taken during the rain storm! Enjoy 🙂

The gutters couldn't keep up with all the rain that was pourin' down from heaven!

This is the field that had all the rivers in it, now it has big trench's were the water was flowing through.........

The rain was so much that it almost touched ends!!!

“Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.

Genesis 9:11-15