Maidens Quarters

Homemade Laundry Soap… April 28, 2010

Filed under: Living Simply — Mrs. Gina @ 9:09 pm

For a long time I have been in search of a recipe to make my own laundry soap~with 7 children you can imagine the loads and loads of laundry we can have just after a few days. Well, I finally found one that works!…. I wasn’t sure at first if it would work as efficiently as store bought laundry soap but, (seeing is believing) as they say and YES! It does work. Today, I gathered all my girls around and we made laundry soap, it takes less than 5 minutes to prepare, and the clothes come out very clean and it smells great 😉

Here’s what we used. I’ll list the measurements at the end of the post….

It's really simple to's all you need!

Here’s what you will need:

Borax (20 Mule Team works great)

Washing Soda- (I used Arm and Hammer in the laundry aisle at the grocery store)

1 bar of Fels Naptha Soap or 1 to 2 bars bath soap (you may need 2 bars if you are using a softer bar soap like Dove) I used Dial

1 cheese grate (to grate your bar soap into the power)

1/2 cup (for measuring out your powders)

1 storage container ( I used a jar from an old canister set I had stored away)You could even use an old mason jar…almost anything will do!

Blender- (I combined all my ingredients into the blender to chop down the soap into smaller bits and mix it into your powders)


Step 1- Measure out a 1/2 cup of each of your powders into your container you’ll be storing your soap in-

Step 2- Grate your Fels Naptha Soap or bath bar soap into your powders

Step 3- Pour all your ingredients into the blender and mix until blended well and soap is chunked into smaller bits

Step 4- Pour your mixed ingredients into your container and store in your laundry room.

You will only need 1 tablespoon to each load of laundry! Yes, that’s all, 1 tablespoon. Sounds crazy I know but hey, it works and your laundry comes out smelling so good 🙂

Now, I have heard you can add Oxy-clean to your mixture for really stubborn stains or you can pre-treat the stains with Spray N’ Wash…what ever works best for your needs.

There you have it…Homemade Laundry Soap! Simple, easy, and cheap! You gotta love it….Enjoy!