Maidens Quarters

To be continued….. March 18, 2010

Filed under: A note to you...... — Mrs. Gina @ 4:12 pm

Well, they say all good things must come to an end, and so it has with our blog of “Maidens Quarters”. Oh but, don’t lose heart, we are under construction and will be starting another blog very soon. We hope to have you visit there and catch up on all the new and exciting happenings of the Cain family. Our new blog quite possibly will be labeled under “Maidens Quarters 2” or something like that, so keep your eyes open for more info. We will be sure to pass along our new name and hope to see you there!


Robert’s first day in the pool cleaning business…… March 5, 2010

Filed under: Brothers,Helping Hands — Miss Amanda @ 9:19 pm

Today was a huge day for Robert Jr. because he is now officially of age to accompany Daddy, whenever we girls are invited to come along with him to work, and today was his first day! He was so overly excited he could hardly contain himself and talked almost non stop until we reached our first pool. He proved himself to be one of the best of the business 😉 and we all had a wonderful time teaching him all the this and thats about pool cleaning……….

Here are some photos I took of this special day. Enjoy!

Up bright and early!

Robert is thoroughly excited, as we reach our first pool......

P.s. Oops! We just ran out of room on this blog but hope to be back soon. More to come.


A Beautiful Sunrise March 4, 2010

Filed under: Poems,Sunrise's — Miss Katelynn @ 8:50 pm

Here in Texas, it’s so flat you can almost always see a beautiful sunrise. At least that’s how it’s been for weeks now every morning.

The Lord blesses me every morning with a beautiful sunrise  at 6:30 a.m. 😉 while I’m cooking breakfast.

The sunrises are always new and different each and every morning.”His word tells us that His mercies are new each morning.”

So here are some photo’s I’d like to share with you all.

Enjoy! 🙂

Is this not God's handiwork? I think it is.

~God’s handiwork~

God is so gracious to give us this sunrise,

Many will sing praises to the sky,

We dance and play till our hearts ring,

Because God gave us this sunrise.

Our hearts praise our God & King,

He makes the sunset just as glorious as this.

We sometimes forget who made you and me,

It wasn’t our Mother’s nor Father’s,

But the one and only God,

Who created all.

So here is my God’s handiwork,

He created all,

Animals, plants, every living thing

He is the Only one who made all things. 🙂

We sometimes see thing’s others can’t see,

We listen and don’t believe,

We are like the scoffers,

We only believe in what we want,

we believe in our own things.

my heart breaks for those in need of God’s Holy Word.


I am fearfully and wonderfully made…Psalm 139:14

Filed under: Baby Blessings,Family,Parents — Mrs. Gina @ 6:05 pm

Russell enjoying his excersaucer...

Russell loves only being in a diaper...can you tell?

Lost in thought....

Sweet baby boy!!!

Just trying to figure life out....

Russell at approx. 1 month...Hasn't lost any hair yet

Cuddled in the arms of big sister Katelynn...

A warm welcome into the family by Elizabeth...

Bonding with Russell minutes after birth...

Robert and I rejoicing at the new life the LORD has blessed to our family...

Children are truly a blessing from the LORD....

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:13-14)

*My doesn’t time fly? Just thought y ‘all might enjoy a reflection tribute of Russell these last 4 1/2 months.


Spring is almost here!….. March 2, 2010

Filed under: Family,Gardening,Helping Hands,Living Simply — Mrs. Gina @ 9:54 pm

Spring is almost here in the Big State of Texas, and as most of you know I absolutely love  having a garden for my family. A garden that the children and I start indoors right around the end of February and as soon as we see that the weather has warmed up a bit we take our young plants outside to produce their fruit. It’s great working along side my children as we tend our garden  each day with watering and nurturing the plants along. Also it’s a blessing when in due time we get to see the fruits of our labor (and save a little money on veggies from the grocery store too!).. (not to mention the hands on training with the little one’s (things that don’t normally come natural to us like ): Patience, Long suffering, Gentleness, Self Control and the list goes on and on. Well, just about two weeks ago we started our garden inside but due to the weather still a little on the chilling side we have to wait a few more weeks before they go outside. But here’s a peek at how things are coming along.

Here's what's in store for the garden....

These are sweet red bell peppers...

Tomatoes are always a treat to have in a garden...these are: "grape Toms"

Cooking Sage: I've never tried growing herbs, but I rescued this poor fellow from a trash bin from Lowe's Garden Center. We'll see how it goes...

signs of life for the Romaine Lettuce...never tried this either!

My make shift garden window-which also serves as a the library window....

Soon this garden box will be filled with green beans,tomatoes,lettuce and much more...watered with a lot of love!

So, there ya’ have it. Spring is fast approaching and we will benefit the fruits of our labors.

Ecclesiastes 3- For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.


More adventures in bread making…

Filed under: Bread Making,Brothers,Sisters — Mrs. Gina @ 8:48 pm

I’m sure you’ve heard me say, “There’s nothing like homemade bread wafering through the house.” Well, so it goes we have had so much fun making bread that the littlest ones of the bunch have gotten in on the action…Take a peek!

of course you always need flour...

Rowen very eager to sift in the flour for Katelynn....and a great job he did!

Katelynn instructs Rowen on how to stir in the flour gently-making sure not to spill any out of the bowl...

Now for the kneading...Lots and lots of kneading this is Rowen's favorite part!

Look at those little pudgy hands go...stretch and pull-stretch and pull for that perfect consistency...

Rowen shows Katelynn his work so far..."not quite yet Rowen" Katelynn says!

Katelynn tells Rowen, "I think we've got it!"

Job Well Done!...."Nap time" Rowen says!

Good Night!


Night time play…… March 1, 2010

Filed under: Sisters,Sunset's — Miss Katelynn @ 6:31 pm

We girls decided to go out side barefoot and get some fresh air.

When ever us girl’s  go out side we like all of us to go, we play instead and enjoy the sunset! 🙂


Here are some beautiful pictures of us girls and the sunset.







The beginning of the sunset!




The end of that scene and the beginning of the next......

Me and Elizabeth on the homemade slid with the beautiful sunset behind.

And the same here only with Amanda in my place.

"BYE!!!!" :0) Look side ways and what do you see? A smiley face!