Maidens Quarters

Good – Bye Benjamin Bunny…… March 31, 2010

Filed under: nature,Pets — Miss Katelynn @ 5:04 pm

Well we found out that Benjamin wasn’t hurt after all and wanted out of his box. So we waited till night time to let him go. Amanda got some pictures of our letting Benjamin Bunny go. We let him go at night for fear he might fall prey to the falcons. Some of us are in our P.J.’s because we just hoped out of the shower and didn’t want to miss out on this sad moment. Benjamin Bunny was very happy to go back home to his family. 😉

So here are the picture’s that Amanda took.

Enjoy! 🙂

Here he is scratching at the box wanting out.

Here we are walking to Benjamin's home.......

~~ Saying Good Bye ~~

We all waited for him to come out but when he didn't Mommy had to jiggle the box to get him out. When she did he went bolting to a bush in our neighbors yard.

This is where Benjamin went running off to. "GOOD - BYE BENJAMIN BUNNY!!!"