Maidens Quarters

A Surprise Rescue…… March 26, 2010

Filed under: Pets — Miss Amanda @ 9:13 pm

Today while we were outside enjoying this sunny day, Elizabeth came across a tiny baby rabbit on the side of the road near the curb. It was still alive but it didn’t move or run away. Mommy, ever affectionate and warm hearted towards little helpless creatures since childhood, rescued little Benjamin Bunny from the side of the road and put him in an egg box lined and had Elizabeth pad it down with clover grass.

He is now inside his little box placed near the window in the library but still remains inactive. Mommy thinks he has a wounded leg or something of that sort. We are awaiting Daddy’s return home from work so that he might evaluate the problem. We are hoping that perhaps God will allow us to help little Benjamin Bunny but realize things can happen otherwise also. Here are some photos of Benjamin Bunny and his rescue……….

Here is Ben Bunny on the side of the road where we found him.......

Mommy scoops the little guy up with gloved hands while Robert stands ready with the Egg box.

Once inside everyone crowds around to get a look at our little friend.....

We supplied Ben Bunny with carrot shavings, lettuce and apples but he doesn't look very interested.....

Mommy inspects her patient........only time will tell we'll wait and see what the Lord decides.