Maidens Quarters

Good – Bye Benjamin Bunny…… March 31, 2010

Filed under: nature,Pets — Miss Katelynn @ 5:04 pm

Well we found out that Benjamin wasn’t hurt after all and wanted out of his box. So we waited till night time to let him go. Amanda got some pictures of our letting Benjamin Bunny go. We let him go at night for fear he might fall prey to the falcons. Some of us are in our P.J.’s because we just hoped out of the shower and didn’t want to miss out on this sad moment. Benjamin Bunny was very happy to go back home to his family. 😉

So here are the picture’s that Amanda took.

Enjoy! 🙂

Here he is scratching at the box wanting out.

Here we are walking to Benjamin's home.......

~~ Saying Good Bye ~~

We all waited for him to come out but when he didn't Mommy had to jiggle the box to get him out. When she did he went bolting to a bush in our neighbors yard.

This is where Benjamin went running off to. "GOOD - BYE BENJAMIN BUNNY!!!"


Planting flowers………. March 29, 2010

Filed under: Baby Blessings,Gardening — Miss Katelynn @ 10:31 pm

As you probably already know we visited the cemetery today where my little brother John Ryle is laid at rest. It just so happened  that we weren’t just visiting John Ryle, but we were planting flowers there on his grave.

The flowers that we planted were Lobelia’s. Mommy likes these particular flowers because they come back year after year and spread as a ground cover. Each of us children got to plant one flower into the ground and when we were finished it was beautiful.

I really liked planting those flowers, any kind of flower as a matter of fact. But I especially enjoyed planting these today for my brother;-)

Here are some pictures that Amanda took.

Enjoy! 🙂

Me and Mommy inspect the cross. It had some paint worn off of it but it looked fine other wise....

Elizabeth,Mommy and Me pack down the dirt so that the flowers will stay standing strait up. The good thing about these flowers is that they stay all year long, instead of dieing strait away!

~~~Russell gets to see John Ryle and John Ryle gets to see Russell!~~~

Robert puts his flower in the ground..........

Ryan puts his flower in the ground with the help from Mommy!


Texas Bluebonnets…..

Filed under: Family,Playtime — Miss Amanda @ 7:54 pm

While at the cemetery planting flowers at John Ryle’s grave, we noticed that the vacant field adjoining the cemetery was bursting with wild bluebonnets and daises at this time of year. We ventured to pick some and ended up with enough bluebonnets to fill half a dozen flower vases!!! Having taken along my camera, I was able to get some darling photos of everyone flower picking. Enjoy!

**Elizabeth Grace**

Ryan was having such an active time within the wild flower field, it was hard to get a picture of him sitting still.......but I got one!

Robert, looking pleased with his bouquet of bluebonnets......

Flower picking.

Mommy, with Katelynn beside her, inspects the flower gifts that were so lavishly bestowed upon her. Some of the flowers were pulled up with the bulb still attached, so we plan to plant them in our own garden!


Thunderstorms….. March 26, 2010

Filed under: Storms — Miss Katelynn @ 10:10 pm

Now you all know that one of my MAJOR – dislikes are thunderstorms.(I don’t like thunderstorms at all!)

Daddy, Mommy and Amanda like thunderstorms very much, so they are always looking out the window at the changing sky.(a crazy little story): last thunderstorm we had Mommy and Amanda went outside to clean the WINDOWS!…I can’t figure that one out but anyway!

Well just the other evening we checked our weather report and found that we were in for a BIG ONE! The clouds were so big  and black and with that was to bring 60 mph winds! Mommy mentioned while looking out our kitchen window that she’d never seen such black clouds! They were that BLACK! :-0

Mommy and I at the last moment ran outside to tie down her garden with a canvas tarp because not only was the weather bringing high winds also there was “supposed” to be gulf ball sized hail… But there wasn’t,”Thank goodness”!

So here are some pictures of the clouds that Amanda took hope you enjoy! 🙂

Here is Mommy's tied down garden..........

Ohhhhhh, that looks scary! I was running around the backyard like a jack rabbit helping mommy, I was so scared!!

~~~~We kept the forecast on until the computer almost shut down!~~~~

Daddy instructed Mommy to get the candles ready just in cast the power went out....... we were spared.

The storm passed all though it did leave behind a lot of rain with a little bit of hail.

I have no idea when all the booms and claps of thunder ended, all I know is that a storm came and went so fast and carried so much force and darkness with it that only God could create something that spectacular! I hope you have enjoyed these pictures! 🙂

"The heavens declare the glory of God!"


A Surprise Rescue……

Filed under: Pets — Miss Amanda @ 9:13 pm

Today while we were outside enjoying this sunny day, Elizabeth came across a tiny baby rabbit on the side of the road near the curb. It was still alive but it didn’t move or run away. Mommy, ever affectionate and warm hearted towards little helpless creatures since childhood, rescued little Benjamin Bunny from the side of the road and put him in an egg box lined and had Elizabeth pad it down with clover grass.

He is now inside his little box placed near the window in the library but still remains inactive. Mommy thinks he has a wounded leg or something of that sort. We are awaiting Daddy’s return home from work so that he might evaluate the problem. We are hoping that perhaps God will allow us to help little Benjamin Bunny but realize things can happen otherwise also. Here are some photos of Benjamin Bunny and his rescue……….

Here is Ben Bunny on the side of the road where we found him.......

Mommy scoops the little guy up with gloved hands while Robert stands ready with the Egg box.

Once inside everyone crowds around to get a look at our little friend.....

We supplied Ben Bunny with carrot shavings, lettuce and apples but he doesn't look very interested.....

Mommy inspects her patient........only time will tell we'll wait and see what the Lord decides.


Gardening days… March 25, 2010

Filed under: Gardening — Mrs. Gina @ 7:32 pm

Well, as I had mentioned in the past my family absolutely loves having a vegetable garden. But with a “shoe box” size backyard like we have, gardening can sometimes be a challenge with( 7) children minus (1) little one and a dog running about. But, because my sweet husband loves me so much he some how finagled a way to build for us last spring a 4×8 raised box garden bed to plant in. Oh how excited we all were to get outside and put our young plants that we started last fall into the garden. Thankfully, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful 70 degree day, sun shining bright. So we set out early to plant and plant we did…! Well, as all of you know Spring welcomed itself  in last Saturday and to our surprise we were hit with 6 inches of snow. What, 6 in. of snow in Texas on the first day of Spring? Oh, don’t you know my heart sank as I gazed out the window and below freezing temps. I was sure our garden was done for, all the hard work we did preparing the soil, putting in our yummy veggies had been ruined. Well I must say, Praise the Lord he spared our little garden! After the snow melted and I went out to inspect what damage had been done much to my surprise, we hadn’t lost a thing…and look at it now. Young , green, healthy little veggies sprouting in abundance and by the looks of things, I think we’ll have a very nice harvest of: lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, brussells sprouts, broccoli, summer squash, zucchini, green beans and strawberries come summer don’t you?

all these veggies enjoying the warm sun...

We had to put netting around to keep Jake out, he has already inspected the garden once.....Grrrr!

juicy red strawberries for the summer...Yummy!


and so, that’s our happy little garden. With much praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for sparing our garden from frost we hope to bring you undated photos every now and again on the progress as we go. Until next time…Happy gardening to ya’ll!


Just a few snap shots….. March 24, 2010

Filed under: Family — Miss Amanda @ 6:11 pm

Russell has recently adopted his own form of 'baby language' which mostly consists of high pitched squeaks and squeal, cooing and bubble blowing mumbles. He is pictured here in his new 'Exercise Saucer ' and is one very happy baby!

Robert, Ryan and Rowen sit on the living room floor contemplating battle strategies as they play a game of 'STRATEGO.'

Outside in the early morning after breakfast.....

Me, looking a little wind blown. Texas is never without a breeze

Rowen is very intrigued by his new light stick Daddy gave to him. (It should be flashing green).



!!Guitar Player!! March 23, 2010

Filed under: Parents — Miss Katelynn @ 8:29 pm

“Gather around to hear the most interesting guitar player of the season”! He plays country string, blues, racket~n~roll and what ever makes people laugh!

So come on and sit a spell~listen to him play….

"Daddy attempts a country music tune. (you have to have a drawl when you read this!)

Daddy has had this guitar for a long time now,and plays it every now and again. When he does, we like to gather around him while he plays he gets pretty wild.We sometimes get to clappin’ and singin’ along with him.(He really hasn’t had any lessons he just plays his own thing:) but he sure has fun doing it!

Trying to find the right key.

Daddy tells Ryan,"Come here sonny boy,try your hand at this here guitar!"

~~~"Now, let me play you a sweet song as ya'll start to leave. Bye~bye, and may the Lord bless each and every one of you!"~~~


Cont…Robert Jr’s first day of work in the Pool business

Filed under: Brothers,Helping Hands — Miss Amanda @ 4:12 pm

Well, with the unfortunate happenings of us running out of space on our blog I wasn’t able to complete the post “Robert’s first day at work in the pool business”. So, I thought I’d take a few moments, catch you up and show you our future “Pool Outfitter” employee in training…

Robert trying his hand at vacuuming the pool...

Robert helping net leaves out of the pool...(notice the net is half his size, but he was a trooper and got the job done!)

Robert Sr. showing lil' Robert how to work the equipment

nothin' but smiles for this lil man, as he enjoys his strawberry smoothie after a job well done!

All in a day's work! This lil' fella dozed off on the way home....

Well, there ya have it a look at the first of many days to come as the Cain boys grow up and work along side their daddy.

Hope you’ve enjoyed a peek into the goings on of the Cain Family.

(Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. Col. 3:23)


The family growth chart…. March 19, 2010

Filed under: Family — Miss Amanda @ 4:50 pm

Now that we have finally once more gained access to our blog, we are all eager to catch you all up to date on the Cain family, although our photo space is now somewhat limited.

Our family is always eager to see how much each has grown in height during the coarse of each year, and in nearly every house we’ve lived in we’ve had a growth chart or growth wall where we mark our progress.

Have I grown?

Some family members are highly competitive at this and each time one is measured you’ll hear, ‘Yes! I knew I was catching up to you!’ or ‘What? I thought for sure I would have grown a little!’ or ‘Oh well, at least I’m not shrinking.’

Rowen is eager to discover whether he's past any of his brothers up. Not yet.

Marking your growth.......